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(Jill Greenberg) بتصوير بكاء الأطفال..
ولكم الصور:
(وضعت تعليق موقع "ABC News" على الصور )
Greenberg's own daughter, Violet, appears in "Unless." The name of this portrait comes from a book by Dr. Suess. l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
When criticized for making children cry, Greenberg reminds viewers that this is "the exact technique used in ads and movies and TV." l
(Jill Greenberg)
Greenberg said that many of the children who remained happy and smiling throughout the shoot only began to cry when their parents told them it was time to go home. l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
Despite the title of this portrait being "Torture," Greenberg swears that the featured children are unharmed. She said, "This fleeting upset was not really going to make any permanent damage." l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
The "End Times" exhibit, including this photograph "The Truth," appeared at the Paul Kopeikin Gallery in Los Angeles. l
(Jill Greenberg)
Photographer Jill Greenberg's latest exhibition, "End Times," features children crying - like the child seen here in 'Shock.' The children are provoked by Greenberg taking away their candy or toys. This technique is known as "manipulation." l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
How did she find these adorable children? Many of them were children of Greenberg's friends, one was her own daughter, and some were recruited from a local modeling agency. l
Greenberg is looking forward to the release of her new book "Monkey Portraits" set to be released this September. The book highlights another one of the photographer's exhibits. l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
In this portrait called "Left Behind," Greenberg's political commentary is clear. l
(Jill Greenberg)
Richard Avedon, another famous photographer, was also criticized for utilizing this "manipulation" technique. He often told his subjects horrifying lies such as, 'Your dog just died,' to get them to appear distraught. l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
Many critics have spoken out against Greenberg, saying that she is abusing children in the search for a good photograph. Greenberg rebuffs these statements: "The people who are criticising weren't at the shoot and all the mother's were fine with it." l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
Photographer Jill Greenberg's latest exhibition, "End Times," features children crying - like the child seen here in 'Shock.' The children are provoked by Greenberg taking away their candy or toys. This technique is known as "manipulation." l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
This portrait called "Cover Up" echoes what Greenberg says was her inspiration for this exhibit: George Bush's re-election. All of her photographs in this exhibit have political undertones. l
(Jill Greenberg)
(Jill Greenberg)
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